Asignatura 6

Material adicional 6.3. 23-24

EUS guided gastrojejunostomy for GOO Efficacy and safety of EUS-BD vs PTBD when ERCP fails Assessment of efficacy and safety of EUS-BD Efficacy of EUS-BD and ERCP-BD for malignant biliary obstruction EUS-BD vs ERCP for the primary palliation of malignant biliary obstruction EUS-BD. A review EUS-GBD for the management of acute cholecystitis EUS-Guided biliary access, […]

Material adicional 6.3. 23-24 Leer más »

Material adicional 6.2. 23-24

Inyección guiada por ecoendoscopia: EUS guided gastrojejunostomy for GOO Efficacy and safety of EUS-BD vs PTBD when ERCP fails Assessment of efficacy and safety of EUS-BD Efficacy of EUS-BD and ERCP-BD for malignant biliary obstruction EUS-BD vs ERCP for the primary palliation of malignant biliary obstruction EUS-BD. A review EUS-GBD for the management of acute

Material adicional 6.2. 23-24 Leer más »

Material adicional 6.1. 23-24

Efficacy of EUS-CPB and EUS-CPN for managing abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer Efficacy of EUS-CPN compared with medication alone for unresectable pancreatic cancer in the oxycodone/fentanyl era EUS-CPB and EUS-CPN EUS-CPN technique and analgesic efficacy in patients with pancreatic cancer EUS-CPN vs EUS-RFA for palliation of pain in pancreatic cancer Neurólisis

Material adicional 6.1. 23-24 Leer más »

7. Varices gástricas 23-24

Cianoacrilato por USE en variz tratada Ecoendoscopia radial de GOV2 Revisión tras tratamiento con cianoacrilato Ecoendoscopia radial de GOV2 tratada con cianoacrilato Enfermedad de Menetrier Diagnóstico diferencial con varices gástricas Flujo residual en GOV2 Retratamiento endoscópico GOV2 con estigmas e IGV1 tratamiento y retirada aguja esclerosis GOV2 congestiva inyección cianoacrilato 2 GOV2 grande Inyección endoscópica

7. Varices gástricas 23-24 Leer más »

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