Curso USE 22-23

1. Lesiones Subepiteliales 22-23

Brunnerioma bulbo duodenal USE radial y biopsias endoscópicas profundas Brunnerioma o hamartoma de glándulas de Brunner Incisión mucosa y biopsias profundas Compresión extrínseca en cuerpo gástrico por quiste hepático Gastrinoma en bulbo duodenal Gastritis quística profunda GIST curvatura menor GIST gástrico 4ª capa y PAAF GIST gástrico adyacente a cuerpo pancreático Sospecha inicial neoplasia pancreática […]

1. Lesiones Subepiteliales 22-23 Leer más »

Material adicional 2.5.

Accuracy of Endoscopic Ultrasound to Assess Tumor Response Accuracy of TRUS after preoperative radiochemotherapy compared to CT and MRI Advances in endoscopic ultrasound imaging of colorectal diseases Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Has the role of EUS in rectal cancer staging changed in the last decade Multimodal imaging evaluation in staging of rectal cancer Role

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Material adicional 2.4.

Endoanal ultrasound in benign anorectal disorders Endoanal Ultrasound in Perianal Fistulae and Abscesses Galería imágenes Enfermedad Fistulosa perianal Hospital Ramón y Cajal H2O2-enhanced Anal Endosonography Technique Transrectal ultrasonography of anorectal. Pros and cons Which method is best for imaging of perianal fistula              

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Material adicional 2.3.

Diagnostic accuracy of EUS for locoregional staging gastric cancer EUS compared with multidetector computed tomography Galería imágenes Neoplasias gástricas Hospital Ramón y Cajal Guía clínica 2019 cáncer gástrico Líquido libre perigástrico identificado por ecoendoscopia Techniques of imaging of nodal stations of GC by EUS Usefulness of EUS in preoperative GC staging.      

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Material adicional 2.8.

(EUS,EUB)-FNA and Ancillary Techniques, in Diagnosing Lymphomas A Case Report of Esophageal Bronchogenic Cyst and Review Endobronchial and esophageal endosonography for lung cancer EUS-FNAC and EUS-FNAB in the evaluation of lymphoma Granulomatous mediastinal adenopathy. How to learn and to perform endoscopic and endobronchial ultrasound Papel de la punción guiada por ecoendoscopia en pacientes con CPNM

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